Industrial Coatings
We offer coating solutions for the petrochemical, food and nuclear industry

- Line with ETFE, PFA, EHRI-08 and PEEK using rotational lining technology
- We design high-end custom custom pipeline coatings and custom coating machinery.
Our mission is the innovation in and the manufacturing of high-quality and durable coating systems for the exterior of pipes and the inside of valves, pumps and flow meters. Delivering industrial coatings that offer long term protection against corrosion, chemicals and fire.
Corrosion prevention of pipelines starts with the right design and the correct installation of the infrastructure in combination with the right coating system. If a company takes the time to develop a good design, maintenance program and correctly implement it; a pipeline will work safely, while protecting the environment and the asset. Ensuring the owner will get a high return on investment. This is why EHRI has been working with its customers since its foundation in 1970 to achieve the best end result together. Combining people, chemistry and knowledge helps our customers meet challenges and unlock opportunities.

– Advanced Industrial Coating Solutions Since 1970 –
Company History
EHRI is a family business founded in 1970 by Mr. Henk Koopman, the company name in Dutch stands for; “Eerste Hollandse Rotolining Installatie” Translated; First Dutch Rotolining Installation. In 1974 EHRI got the legal form; closed joint stock company, named B.V. in the Netherlands. And since 1978 we are established in the Nijverheidsweg 29, in the Dutch town of Heinenoord, which is until now is our EHRI® headquarters. In 1981 son Dirk Koopman “the current owner” joined the company. March 1997 the factory in Oudenbosch was taken into production. Since its foundation, our innovative character has been our trade characteristic and this is what sets us apart from the competition. After almost 50 years of custom coating challenges we are ready to find a answer on all your coating questions.
- 1970 Establishment of EHRI and the development of the first rotational lining machine
- 1978 Opening factory and office in Heinenoord Netherlands
- 1979 The GRE robot “computer-controlled” automated steel pipe wrapping technology
- 1980 Current owner Dirk Koopman the son of the founder Henk Koopman enters the company
- 1985 The first in Europe with internal ETFE & PFA coating with rotational lining technology
- 1998 Takeover of partner Troost Coatings
- 2010 Partnership with STOPAQ® for the co-development of the STOPAQ® FAST, GRE system
- 2015 Development EHRI® | PEEK a special ETFE composition for the nuclear industry
- 2019 Development of EHRI | FIRE SEAL ® 30+ minutes fire-retardant
- 2020 The 50th Anniversary EHRI® | Pipeline Coatings & Rotomoulding
- 2022 Partnership with ALLTER
We have the ability and knowledge to produce advanced coating systems and we also are able to produce the hard & software in-house to apply this coatings. We build this hardware for fixed installation in pipe production plants and special mobile on-site coating installations.

Every day the people at EHRI are searching for new products and working on the development of unique applications.